Tomase Sucks & More ........ The Tomase Fan Club

Dedicated to sports media wannabees like Tomase who use ficticious sources, desperate sources who need money and will say anything, or any other pond scum crack addict type of source to make a name for themselves.

Feb 2, 2008

My sources say that Tomase cheated his way thru Tufts. They also say his creditials are fake. How does that sound to you, you worthless short bus riding, hockey helmet wearing, clueless hack. You could not report on the sun rising without screwing that up. The only source you have is that voice you hear in that empty cave like head. Let’s hope the car you rear end after shoving donut after donut into your fat cheeked blimp head is Matt Light’s and you open up the dialoge by calling him stupid. Oh the joy to see that.


Anonymous said...

My sources say that Tomase cheated his way thru Tufts. They also say his creditials are fake. How does that sound to you, you worthless short bus riding, hockey helmet wearing, clueless hack. You could not report on the sun rising without screwing that up. The only source you have is that voice you hear in that empty cave like head. Let’s hope the car you rear end after shoving donut after donut into your fat cheeked blimp head is Matt Light’s and you open up the dialoge by calling him stupid. Oh the joy to see that.

Anonymous said...

I remember John when he was a young boy. He would steal our football and kick it into the pond. All he ever said was we were cheaters, we were cheaters. John felt cheated I guess.

He would never play footbal with us. Instead, he would sit there with a pad and pencil, writing things down and then he would tell on us later.

The parents got real sick of him. John "The Rat" Tomasse as he was known way back then. A sad tale of a bitter boy who was happiest making other kids miserable.

Anonymous said...

Saw Tomasse at he senior citizen's bingo the other day. He was bribing the old lady's with lottery tickets to get them to tell on each other. Word is cheating is rampant at the senior's bingo ... some of the balls are being wighed down with Dentu-Grip. Tomasse says he will not stop until he tells on the whole world and beyond. Always says he feels like Buzz Lightyear? Very weird this guy.